The term "disk space" may also be labeled as "disk quota" or "data storage", however all these words refer to the exact same thing - the volume of data that you are able to upload to a website hosting account. The total size of what you have is calculated by accumulating the space taken by the overall content in your account, the most obvious being the files that you upload. Two other things are often forgotten by various people, though - e-mails and also databases. Big attachments and databases of huge script-driven internet sites will often take a lot of storage space too. In order to employ a more familiar analogy, the hard disk space of your computer system is taken not just by files you download, but additionally by docs you create along with software programs you add. Likewise, various things are counted for the hdd space your information uses on a web site hosting server, not only the uploads.

Disk Space in Website Hosting

By using our website hosting plans, you will never concern yourself with hard disk space. While most suppliers set up accounts using a single server and eventually all the server hard disk space is being used, we've applied a cloud web hosting system where the files, e-mail messages as well as the databases are taken care of by independent groups of servers. Thus, each machine performs better as just one kind of processes is working on it, plus the hard disk space is limitless since we can always attach additional servers or hard drives to the cluster, depending on whether we want additional processing power or extra storage space. You'll never experience a position in which you can't upload more files for the reason that there's no available hard disk space on your server, that is something you can encounter with many other providers. If you use our hosting services, you can be sure that limited space will not be a setback for the progress of your websites.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

All our semi-dedicated server plans have "disk space" as a feature only to stress that it is truly unlimited. We were able to achieve that with the help of an innovative, tailor-made cloud hosting system, where your databases, files and emails will be stored on independent clusters of servers. We will add additional HDDs or entire servers to any of the clusters and whenever necessary, and furthermore our website hosting Control Panel was made to support such a system. By contrast, the vast majority of Control Panels on the hosting market can function only on a single server, and irrespective of what various companies promote, they actually create a multitude of accounts on a single machine. Having a semi-dedicated server plan through our company, you will never have to worry about disk space restrictions and you'll be able to concentrate on improving your web sites.

Disk Space in VPS Servers

The HDD storage that we supply with our VPS servers differs based on the plan that you pick at the time you register. Using a more powerful server, you're able to efficiently operate numerous websites, that means more content, which means that the greater the VPS plan, the more hdd storage you'll have available. Switching from one plan to another requires a couple of mouse-clicks and it won't involve any service interruption. Your site databases, files and emails will share the amount of space the server has, but if you'd rather to get fixed quotas, you'll be able to choose cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel during your ordering process. Each of the tools will allow you to generate web hosting accounts with limited hdd space and if needed, even to allot space from one existing account to a different one. With the third option that you can find on the order page, our Hepsia Control Panel, all domain names will share the storage.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

The minimum HDD space which you can get using our dedicated servers is 500 gigabytes. You'll have 2 separate HDDs, 250 GB each, and it is up to you exactly how you'll share out this storage space. You can have the hard drives in RAID, so that all of your content will always be safe as one drive will be a real-time mirror of the second one, alternatively you'll be able to make them function on their own, in order to use the overall storage space capacity that will be at your disposal. The disk space of all our dedicated servers is sufficient for everything - major online stores, file depository portal, individual archive clone, and many other things. We'll never restrain your web sites in terms of the HDD space they can use. When that they start expanding, we give you the chance to add additional drives to your present server as needed. If you get the server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel, you'll also be able to create a unique account for each and every hosted domain and set a hard disk space allowance for it. Using Hepsia all domain names will be hosted in one place and they will share the entire server space.