Memcached is a data caching system, which is used to increase the speed of database-powered Internet sites by caching the calls and the responses between the visitor and the server. To put it differently, every time a particular web page on such a website is accessed, the script sends a query to its database to get the information that should be shown to the visitor. In case the latter clicks a hyperlink to go to some other web page, the whole procedure is performed again and this generates multiple database queries and higher load on the server, particularly if the website has lots of simultaneous visitors. Memcached "memorizes" this information exchange, so if any of these web pages is visited again, the script no longer has to fetch any info from the database, as everything is delivered by the caching platform. Thus, the overall load speed of your website will "soar" and you’ll get more gratified visitors and they’ll be able to navigate through your website faster. Moreover, Memcached "refreshes" its cache when any info in the database is edited, so the website visitors will never wind up seeing old data.

Memcached in Website Hosting

The Memcached memory caching system comes as an upgrade with each website hosting that we offer and you will be able to begin using it once you activate it, since the PHP extension that it requires so as to perform correctly is already installed on our cutting-edge cloud website hosting platform. You can order the upgrade from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is offered with each hosting plan and a brand new Control Panel section where you can administer Memcached will appear. The upgrade is subdivided into two parts – the instances and the system memory, so as to give you more versatility. The first one refers to the number of the Internet sites which can use the Memcached caching system, whereas the second, which is offered in increments of 16 MB, determines the maximum size of the content that can be cached by the system. A popular Internet site with a large database may need more memory to take an even greater advantage of the Memcached caching system, so in case you wish to upgrade this feature, you will be able to do it at any given moment with a few mouse clicks.

Memcached in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you choose to host your Internet sites in a semi-dedicated server account, you can take advantage of Memcached easily, since the caching platform’s setup requires several mouse clicks from the Hepsia Control Panel. The extension that is required is already installed on our servers, so you can start using Memcached the moment you add it to your semi-dedicated server account. You will be able to choose how many sites can use it and how much data can be cached, in other words – there are two different features that can be upgraded – the number of instances and the system memory. You can add more of both, so if one of your Internet sites becomes extremely popular, for example, you can always add more memory to it. Our system is unbelievably flexible in this regard and we don’t bind a particular number of instances to a fixed amount of system memory. You can use the Memcached platform to improve the loading speed of any script-driven Internet site, including those based on famous web-based applications, such as Joomla or WordPress.

Memcached in VPS Servers

Memcached is available by default with all VPS servers that are ordered with our in-house developed Hepsia Control Panel. The extension it requires so as to perform correctly is compiled when the VPS server is configured, so you can start using the object caching platform once your new server is completely operational. The system memory that Memcached can use depends on the particular VPS plan, but even with the lower-end ones, you’ll get several hundred megabytes that will be at your disposal for this platform exclusively. This will allow you to enhance the overall performance of numerous sites hosted on the server at the same time and to decrease the load even if you’ve got content-loaded script-based web pages with a lot of viewers. Memcached can be used with any script – Mambo, Drupal or Joomla, or a custom-made script, and you will notice the better performance shortly after you start using it.

Memcached in Dedicated Servers

Each dedicated server that’s ordered with our Hepsia hosting Control Panel comes with Memcached already installed by default, so you can begin using this caching system the moment the server is up and running, without the need to activate or upgrade anything. The amount of system memory that Memcached can employ depends on the server that you’ve chosen, but since our servers are exceptionally powerful and given the fact that it is likely that you’ll host resource-consuming sites on them, the minimum amount of memory that the system can use will be three gigabytes. This will enable you to enhance the overall performance of very popular Internet sites effortlessly and you’ll detect the difference soon after the Memcached caching system starts caching database requests. You can take advantage of the Memcached system with any database-powered portal, including those that are based on widely used CMSs such as WordPress and Joomla.