Linux is a well known OS, which is widely used for web servers, given that it offers a variety of advantages over other OSs. It is viewed as the most reliable OS these days and due to the way it operates, infected files shall simply not work. Since Linux is absolutely free to use, no license fees shall be calculated in the price which you'll have to pay for your hosting service. That, consequently, allows for the provider to personalize the Operating system in accordance with what they and their customers require, removing unnecessary packages to optimize the OS and the server’s general performance. Linux servers normally include the Apache server software, that processes website access requests. Apache is additionally 100 % free and customizable, not to mention that it's extremely fast and light with regard to the system resources it requires. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is the software environment that a number of the most popular script apps require – Joomla, WordPress, Moodle, etcetera. The LAMP configuration is the most frequently used one around the globe, due to the fact that it's stable and easy to take care of.

Stable Linux with Apache in Website Hosting

All of the servers that are part of our progressive cloud hosting platform run Linux in order to guarantee their fast and reliable operation, that will in turn result in far better overall website efficiency. That is valid for every site that you host inside a website hosting account with our company. Every single part of the web hosting service (e-mails, databases, files) will be managed by its own cluster of machines, so only 1 type of processes will run on a given hosting server, that will contribute to the fast loading speed of your websites even more. You could use HTML, Python, Perl, JavaScript and any other web development language for your websites, as they all can run on a Linux server. We also use the Apache web server, because our experience over the years indicates that it is probably the ideal piece of software of its kind.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you acquire a semi-dedicated server account for your Internet sites, you shall be able to benefit from a secure and dependable hosting service on our groundbreaking hosting platform. Linux-powered groups of machines will give you the system resources and the uptime that you need, because this Operating System matches our requirements and allows us to alter the software environment as a way to get the most out of the platform, whose structure contributes to the swiftness and stability of the service even more, for the reason that your files, databases, emails, stats, and so on., will have their own cluster to manage them. To enhance the functionality of your sites further, we use the Apache web server, mainly because our experience reveals that it's the best suited one for our custom made platform because it is potent, yet light and fast.