Zend Optimizer is a software tool, that is required to run files protected with Zend Guard - a popular app which is used to encode PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 files with the objective to protect them from tampering with the code or reverse engineering. Zend Guard is used by lots of companies that develop paid script apps, so in case you get such an app for your website, you will probably need Zend Optimizer to be present on the server where you'll host it. In case you're a programmer, you may also use Zend Guard to shield your program code and ensure that your website visitors or clients will not be able to alter it in any way. Sites which use Zend Optimizer often perform much better as their PHP code is precompiled, therefore it is already optimized and will be executed a lot quicker.

Zend Optimizer in Website Hosting

Zend Optimizer is installed on all the servers that are part of our modern cloud website hosting platform. No matter which website hosting you select, you can take advantage of the software tool to guarantee that any kind of script application which requires it will operate flawlessly within your account. By using a convenient software instrument from the Advanced area of the Hepsia Control Panel that is provided with all of the web hosting accounts, you will be able to activate and deactivate many different functions with a single button. Zend Optimizer is one of these, so even if this is your first website hosting account ever, you won't encounter any difficulties. In the exact same area you can also pick the PHP version for your account - 4 and multiple versions of 5, and any time you change to one that you haven't used yet, you can activate Zend Optimizer for it with a single click. As our platform allows you to employ a couple of PHP releases simultaneously, more advanced users can enable the tool for a particular website with a php.ini file in a specific domain folder as well.

Zend Optimizer in Semi-dedicated Servers

Zend Optimizer is installed on all of the servers that comprise our cluster hosting platform, therefore you're able to use it for all of your script-driven applications with any of our semi-dedicated server packages. It is available all of the time even if you change the PHP version for your account as our feature-rich platform will allow you to choose between PHP 4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2. Both changing the version and activating Zend Optimizer for the new one takes a few clicks in the PHP Configuration section of the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel that is used to manage the semi-dedicated accounts. In addition, you may also use a different version of PHP and enable or disable Zend for each individual domain that you host in your account. You can do this by employing a php.ini file in a domain folder with just a couple of lines of code inside it. If you do not have previous experience and you are unsure how to do this, our 24/7 tech support will assist.